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Lotts & Co.

Achill Island – Sea salt

Pure Irish sea salt harvested from the wild Atlantic waters of Achill Island. Its soft and flaky texture creates an intensity of flavour that will enhance any dish.



Achill Island – Sea salt



Pure Irish sea salt harvested from the wild Atlantic waters of Achill Island. Its soft and flaky texture creates an intensity of flavour that will enhance any dish.

Achill Island – Sea salt

Achill Island Sea Salt is a culinary masterpiece that captures the essence of the rugged coastal beauty of Achill Island. With its unique flavour and exceptional quality, this artisanal salt takes your taste buds on a journey of pure delight.

First and foremost, the sourcing of Achill Island Sea Salt is a testament to the brand’s commitment to excellence. Skilled artisans meticulously hand-gather each salt crystal, sustainably harvesting them from the crystal-clear waters surrounding Achill Island. This meticulous process guarantees the selection of only the finest and purest salt for your culinary pleasure.

Additionally, the flavour profile of Achill Island Sea Salt is nothing short of extraordinary. With its distinct brininess and subtle mineral undertones, this salt enhances the natural flavours of your favourite dishes. Whether used as a finishing touch on grilled seafood, sprinkled over roasted vegetables, or incorporated into homemade bread, each crystal adds a burst of flavour that elevates your culinary creations to new heights.

Moreover, the texture of Achill Island Sea Salt is a true sensation. Its delicate flakes gently dissolve on your tongue, creating a delightful crunch that enhances the overall dining experience. The texture adds a layer of complexity to your dishes, making every bite a moment to savour and enjoy.

Furthermore, Achill Island Sea Salt is packaged with utmost care to preserve its freshness and quality. The airtight containers shield the salt from moisture and environmental elements, ensuring that each use delivers the same exceptional flavour and texture as the first. This attention to detail guarantees that you can enjoy the authentic taste of Achill Island in every sprinkle.

In conclusion, Achill Island Sea Salt is a treasure that brings the essence of the ocean to your plate. From its carefully sourced crystals to its exceptional flavour and captivating texture, this salt is a must-have for any culinary enthusiast. Elevate your dishes to new heights with the magic of Achill Island Sea Salt, and let the taste of the sea transport you to the picturesque shores of Ireland.


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