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white wine

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Oscars White 2023 750ml

Oscars White 2023 embodies a commitment to crafting wines that are both sophisticated and approachable. With its vibrant and refreshing character, it's perfect for any occasion, whether a family picnic, an aperitif, or a dinner gathering with friends.


Quevedo White Port 750ml

This white Port is a young, floral, smooth wine with extraordinary drinkability. It is made exclusively with white grapes native to the Douro, and bottled when it is two to three years old.


Le Petit Sauvignon Blanc

Le Petit Sauvignon Blanc is a refreshing wine with varietal aromas that can be appreciated with meats, seafood and goat cheeses. Its aromas have hints of grapefruit and gooseberry with an undertone of ripe lime and smoky flint. On the palate it is supremely fresh and clean with classy citrus fruits, quince and hard white peach.


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white wine

Showing all 3 results

Oscars White 2023 750ml

Oscars White 2023 embodies a commitment to crafting wines that are both sophisticated and approachable. With its vibrant and refreshing character, it's perfect for any occasion, whether a family picnic, an aperitif, or a dinner gathering with friends.


Quevedo White Port 750ml

This white Port is a young, floral, smooth wine with extraordinary drinkability. It is made exclusively with white grapes native to the Douro, and bottled when it is two to three years old.


Le Petit Sauvignon Blanc

Le Petit Sauvignon Blanc is a refreshing wine with varietal aromas that can be appreciated with meats, seafood and goat cheeses. Its aromas have hints of grapefruit and gooseberry with an undertone of ripe lime and smoky flint. On the palate it is supremely fresh and clean with classy citrus fruits, quince and hard white peach.

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